Laura A. Jackett
65 North Drive • Rochester, NY 14612 • (585) 225-0065 • •
Program Title: Hand Bookbinding
Program Format: Workshop
Length of Program: minimum 1.5 hours, can be extended
Audience limit: 12
Space Required: tables and chairs
Set up Time: 15 minutes
Equipment Needs: supplioed by instructor: wax paper, round and flat brushes for glue, 6” bone folders, awls, blunt ended binder’s needles, metal rulers, Xacto knives, scissors, pencils, PVA glue, paste, papers for pages and covers, cardboard, cutting mats
Course Description: This program deals with Hand Bookbinding. Students will produce several finished books during the class. We will learn how to fold signatures, use an awl to punch holes and stitch together our pages. Students will choose paper for the end pages and glue them onto the front and back of the signatures. After gluing the binding we will cut the page edges cleanly. Paper backed cloth will be glued onto cardboard for the covers; the signatures will be correctly placed inside and glued in. Voila! Your own book!
All experience levels are welcome in this lively and productive workshop. Students may bring a front and cover sheet of their own: a drawing or computer print 6” x 8” max will work.