Laura A. Jackett
65 North Drive • Rochester, NY 14612 • (585) 225-0065 • laurajackett@yahoo.com • laurajackett.net
Program Title: Alternative Photographic Processes
Program Format: Workshop
Length of Program: minimum 1.5 hours, can be extended
Audience limit: 15
Space Required: work area with large sink, some processes need access to a darkroom
Set up Time: 15 minutes
Equipment Needs: provided by instructor: chemicals, rag paper or organic cloth, distilled water, foam brushes, mylar sheets, scissors, clear tape, black permanent markers, drying rack or clothesline, plastic measuring spoons, brown bottles, plastic mixing dish, funnel, plate glass
Course Description: This practical workshop is open to enthusiasts and artists from any medium. This is a great workshop with materials that are totally transportable and highly imaginative. Students will have an opportunity to create photographic prints utilizing Cyanotype, Van Dyke, Gum Bichromate, Liquid Light, and Kuik Print. The possibilities are endless and well within the grasp of the total beginner, while challenging for those with experience in photography. This workshop is set up to allow one-on-one with the instructor as you think through your ideas. There are a spectacular variety of opportunities for personal expression.